The Global ICT Regulatory Outlook series argues that collaboration is the way forward for regulation in the ICT sector and beyond. The collaborative approach is about what you are regulating and how, as opposed to what your role is in the market. So, how to collaborate and with whom? The ‘wheel of collaboration’ set out here provides some high-level guidance.
Learn more with the Global ICT Regulatory Outlook series
Wheel of collaboration – how to collaborate and with whom?
The story behind five generations of regulation – G1 to G5
Why do we need G5 collaborative regulation? Four fundamentals.
Wheel of collaboration – how to collaborate and with whom?
Five reasons to look at the G5 Benchmark
G5 and the digital transformation
The regulatory thinking cycle
Finding the shortest path to collaboration
Mobile broadband – six golden rules to accelerate take-up
Fixed broadband – seven golden rules to accelerate take-up
Future-proofing for digital transformation in times of crisis
Essentials for the success of regulatory collaboration and response
Seven design principles for collaborative regulation
Five benchmarks for regulatory excellence and market performance
12 elements – the core of collaborative regulation best practice
National Approaches
Best Practices
GSR-21: Financing digital infrastructure, access and use
GSR-20: The gold standard for digital regulation
GSR-19: Fast Forward Digital Connectivity for All
GSR-18: New Regulatory Frontiers to Achieve Digital Transformation
GSR-17: Policy and Regulatory Incentives for Affordable Access to Digital Services
GSR-16: Collaborative Regulation for Digital Financial Inclusion
GSR-15: Facilitate the Widespread Adoption and Use of Mobile Applications and Services through Targeted Regulation
GSR-14: Consumer Protection in a Digital World
GSR-13: Evolving Roles of Both Regulation and the Regulators in a Digital Environment
GSR-12: Regulatory Approaches to Foster Access to Digital Opportunities Through Cloud Services
GSR-11: Regulatory Approaches to Advance the Deployment of Broadband, Encourage Innovation and Enable Digital Inclusion for All
GSR-10: Enabling Open Access
GSR-09: Innovative Regulatory Approaches in a Converged World to Strengthen the Foundation of a Global Information Society
GSR-08: Innovative Infrastructure Sharing Strategies to Promote Affordable Access for All
GSR-07: Next-Generation Networks (NGNs) Migration
GSR-05: Spectrum Management to Promote Broadband Access
GSR-04: Promotion of Low Cost Broadband and Internet Connectivity
GSR-03: Universal Access Regulatory Best Practice Guidelines