The second in the series ‘Benchmark for fifth generation collaborative digital regulation 2023: global and regional trends’ is the analytical companion of the 2023 edition of the G5 Benchmark. The paper highlights the trends and findings on the evolution of digital regulation based on the latest dataset. This new edition contains the latest information for 193 countries and economies (the same as the 2021 sample) and follows the established methodology, making it possible to monitor the changes of each country over the past two years. The analysis looks at the digital regulation patterns across different regional and development profiles, including in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. It also provides a comprehensive background on how the Benchmark was created and demonstrates the statistical robustness of the new edition. The analysis is aimed at a technical audience with a background in statistics and advanced technical knowledge of digital regulation, and it contributes to the transparency and traceability of the application of the established methodology while augmenting the body of knowledge in this area.
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As a leader in Africa, already a G4 regulator and at the G5 advanced state of readiness for digital transformation, Nigeria has the opportunity to pave the way to becoming a leading G5 country, embracing policy cohesion and lean governance, and unlocking the potential of digital transformation to deliver on the national development agenda.
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As South Africa adopts reforms to further strengthen its economy across multiple sectors, this country review presents the policy, legislative, and governance frameworks that are enabling South Africa’s digital transformation. It includes a review of key institutions and collaborative digital regulation practices, as well as common themes related to digital sector policies and frameworks.
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ASEAN best practice benchmarking and an action plan for regional harmonization
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The Global Digital Regulatory Outlook 2023 benchmarks regulatory progress across 193 countries worldwide, building on the successful track record of the first three editions. This new analysis is the go-to reference for regulators and policy-makers seeking to understand a fast-moving landscape – and shape regulatory change that will benefit all in the quest for digital transformation. Almost a third of humanity remains unconnected – a sober reminder of the work that lies ahead
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Tanzania has undertaken many measures and facilitated several projects that demonstrate a commitment to using ICTs for development and continuously enhancing collaboration across government and with national stakeholders.
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Despite its small population, Rwanda is a regional leader, whose economic performance is attributed to strong leadership, structural reform, significant investments in education and infrastructure and a clear focus on creating a good investment climate.
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Egypt has prioritized digital transformation in recent years, in line with an economy-wide sustainable development strategy. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) and the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) play key roles in enabling the ongoing digital transformation of the economy, including engaging in collaborative regulation activities and other joint projects with other ministries and regulatory authorities in Egypt.
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To navigate digital transformation, Mexico has embraced the new regulatory paradigm that seeks to fast forward digital transformation for all – and that paradigm is embodied in the concept of collaborative digital regulation.
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The Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) was first launched in 2015 by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to measure the commitment of 193 ITU Member States and the State of Palestine1 to cybersecurity to help them identify areas of improvement and encourage countries to take action, through raising awareness on the state of cybersecurity worldwide. As cybersecurity risks, priorities, and resources evolve, the GCI has also adapted to give a more accurate snapshot of cybersecurity measures taken by countries. This report aims to better understand countries’ commitments to cybersecurity, identify gaps, encourage the incorporation of good practices, and provide useful insights for countries to improve their cybersecurity postures.
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